Republic of Wool at The Altered Stitch

by fishgirl182, August 06, 2015
Hi, everyone! If you listened to our last episode you might recall that Kimberly and I were very excited about an upcoming event at a LYS, The Altered Stitch. The shop was hosting indie dyer extraordinaire Republic of Wool and Mara Catherine Brynner of Rose City Rollers fame. I just wanted to give you all a brief recap of the event (which we will also discuss in the next episode).

We arrived at the shop about an hour early. This was in part due to our schedules and because we were very excited and wanted first pick of the kits that were made up for The Great Divide KAL. We fondled yarn for a bit and checked out the new cubbies and layout for the store.

As you can see, there was plenty to look at while we waited for the event to start. I'd also like to say that the shop has started spinning lessons and will be carrying more fiber tools and supplies in the future. I am super excited about this since there aren't any shops that really cater to spinners close by.

Michelle and Mara showed up a little bit before go time and started setting up some additional samples and brought out some special yarn that they had just for the event.

There was so much amazing brioche and fantastic color combos that I just wanted to knit everything in sight. I showed Mara the pair of Shibui Rose City Rollers that I made. It was kind of dorky but she was cool about it, We also got to chat with Michele a bit. She was wearing an awesome Parachutey sweater by Westknits. I don't know if I could ever pull it off but she looked fantastic. 

There was lots and lots of yarn. Kimberly and I had a very hard time deciding what to get. Each skein was so unique and beautiful. It was really hard not to take them all home with us. 

Pic above are Michele and Mara with Jenny (aka samandramones). Afte squeezing a few more skeins, Kimberly and I finally made our choices and purchased our skeins. We left soon after because I think we were both afraid that if we stayed, we'd buy even more yarn.

We had a really wonderful time at the event. Michele and Mara were so sweet and very cool. We were a little tongue tied when talking to them but I think we did OK. Thanks to The Altered Stitch for hosting such a fabulous event. Tune in to our next podcast episode to see what we bought...
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